
The October 2006 elections will elect members to the 5th Parliament of Alexandria.

The October 2006 Alexandrian Parliamentary Elections (more formally, the 4th General Election) was held the 12th through the 16th days of October, 2006.

The parliament preceding this election was led by the Alexandrian Conservative Party, who held a supermajority of 5 seats.


The current Imperial Parliament is made up of eight seats. Six of them are devoted to the provinces of the Empire. These are Asunción, Puerto Nuevo, Rio Grande, Valenciennes, Baudrix and Ibelin. There are two seats in Parliament that are not elected. One is appointed by the Emperor and the MP appointed has to be a scholar and a member of the Catholic Church. The second is appointed by the Prime Minister and the MP appointed has to be a member of the judiciary. Prime Minister Jose Frias appointed Lord Chief Justice Juan Ciervo as the first person to hold the appointed judiciary seat in Parliament since the ratification of the Constitution. The Emperor has not appointed anyone to the other remaining seat as of yet.

Lack of participation[]

The October 2006 Alexandrian Parliamentary Elections were characterized by a huge downturn in participation, campaigning and overall candidacies. All candidates that filed their papers won the election by default, and the provinces of Baudrix and Rio Grande remained unrepresented because no one filed candidacy papers for these provinces.



Jean Pierre Robespierre won this constituency as an independent by default.


This constituency remained empty after the election.


Pete James, from the Alexandrian Anti-Party, won this seat by default.

Rio Grande[]

This constituency remained empty after the election.


Sebastien Alexandre (PDP) won this constituency by default.

Puerto Nuevo[]

Matthieu Poitiers won the seat by default for the Alexandrian Conservative Party.

Preceded by:
April 2006 Alexandrian Parliamentary Elections
Alexandrian Parliamentary Elections Followed by:
January 2007 Alexandrian Parliamentary Elections